Refurbished Apple products: a choice to reduce the Carbon Footprint
Did you know that 6,849 times the weight of the Eiffel Tower is produced globally every year? We're sure even you can't imagine such a huge amount of iPhones, iPads and MacBooks being thrown away year after year. The environmental problem, however, is not limited to the large amount of waste, but becomes even more important if we think about the amount of carbon dioxide (responsible for climate change) that is released into the atmosphere to produce a new iPhone which, on average, does not is used for more than 2 years.
Why is buying refurbished Apple products good for the environment (and saving you a lot of money!)?

Refurbished iPhone = protection of raw materials and workers
Let's start from the beginning: producing a new iPhone means extracting different minerals , even precious and rare ones. Usually the mines that offer these raw materials are found in countries plagued by civil wars where workers operate in terrible conditions. Buying a refurbished iPhone means taking care of the planet, saying no to both the exploitation of its raw materials and the greenhouse gas that is released into the atmosphere during their extraction. Furthermore, a refurbished iPhone can improve the working conditions of those who, by necessity, extract these minerals.

Refurbished Apple products = decrease in gas emissions
Once the minerals are extracted, the iPhone must be produced ! Producing an iPhone means introducing a lot of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (responsible for climate change), so much so that Apple itself has created a special program to make the energy used by their suppliers cleaner.
This, however, is not enough: buying a refurbished iPhone helps to reduce the greenhouse effect, without detracting from your desire to have a good, efficient and, at this point ... product that is good for the environment!
In summary: why is it better to choose a refurbished Apple product?

You save money, not quality!
Buying a refurbished iPhone, MacBook, iPad or AirPods will save you a lot of money without having to give up on the latest model on the market and without compromising on quality (you won't have to go on vacation with the power bank attached to the neck, we promise!)

Do good to your dear planet
Choosing Apple refurbished will help you do good for the Earth by avoiding new mineral extraction and exploitation of natural resources. Use the planet to discover it, travel, learn about new cultures and not for a brand new iPhone!

Enjoy a cooler climate
By buying a refurbished phone you will be able to save about 185 grams of technological waste and cut 84% of carbon dioxide emission in the air. What does it mean? That in the future your summers may not be as hot as the last you experienced and enjoy your holidays more!
You just have to discover all our refurbished Apple products , choose your favorite, buy it online and wait for our team to ship it to your home!