iPhone X

The refurbished iPhone X is a 2017 model that is still among users' favorites today thanks to the dual 12 megapixel rear camera and the ability to record 4K movies. For the first time, no more touch ID, but Face ID identification, secure and fast. The refurbished I-Tech gives you the ability to use an iPhone X like new. Discover the degrees of refurbishment.
      4 products


      Why buy a refurbished iPhone X?
      Buying a refurbished iPhone X will not only save you money, it will also be good for the planet! The life of iPhones can be longer than what you are told - we guarantee it!

      What's the difference between a refurbished and a used iPhone X?
      The history and defects of a used iPhone X are secret and can only be known by those who sell it. We at I-Tech, on the other hand, know the life, death and miracles of what we have reconditioned and to which we have given new life!

      How to choose your new refurbished iPhone X?
      Choose the color, memory and refurbishment grade for your new iPhone X. Read the guide here to select the right degree for your needs!